“I m a hippo, my river is so deep,
On its surface I float and sleep!
This muddy water, the kingdom of mine,
I travel with the waves and that is just fine!”

“I m a hippo, my river is so deep,
On its surface I float and sleep!
This muddy water, the kingdom of mine,
I travel with the waves and that is just fine!”
I like the sun more than a blizzard
My suit is green, I am a _ _ _ _ _ _!
Sharp thorns grow on my skin,
I am a desert plant, my suit is green!
(A Cactus)
I wanted to be free
I jumped from a big tree
Fell on a scientist’s head
My skin is green, yellow or red
He discovered gravitation
And I was his inspiration!
(An apple)
I’m a crocodile, my dress is green
Actually, that is my skin
Deep waters shelter provide
This is the place where I like to hide!
I live in a lake and I am green
I have a soft and slimy skin,
I’m not a pet like a cat or a dog
Everyone knows I’ m a _ _ _ _!
My home is in the green meadows
I have petals, and don’t like shadows
My beauty is my power
I smell so nice I’m a _ _ _ _ _ _!