Every morning when I awake
My cooker is ready to start to bake,
I prepare an onion to cook and fry
My eyes then cry, I don’t know why!

Every morning when I awake
My cooker is ready to start to bake,
I prepare an onion to cook and fry
My eyes then cry, I don’t know why!
The sun is a mirror of mine
My delicate petals are fine
I am yellow, like a flame
Can you guess my name?
(A Sunflower)
To swim through the waves is all I wish
With tiny finns, I am a _ _ _ _!
My playground is a big blue sky
I have wings like a butterfly
Someone likes juice, someone milk,
However, kerosene is my favorite drink!
Who am I, you need to explain
The clouds are my friends. I am an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!
I like to eat honey,
A cave for winter I prepare
The forest is my kingdom
I am a _ _ _ _!
I am a chocolate, and for my shape
I look exactly like a video tape!
My value has no price
I can be steam, liquid or ice,
You can use me for bath or drink
Who am I, what do you think?
My babies are hatched from eggs
I have three hearts and eight legs,
The oceans are my possession
My swimming is a pure perfection!
I change my colors, blue, grey, pink,
When I get scared, I hide in a cloud of ink!
The day was cloudy, and there was fog
In the water lily slept one frog.
So delicious, my name is a grape,
The circle is my lovely, elegant shape!