Dirt and dust
I clean so fast
With my broom
I clean the room!

Dirt and dust
I clean so fast
With my broom
I clean the room!
I will show you how to make
A beautiful and tasty cake
All I need is golden honey
And some flowers from a bunny.
I was a carriage in one great story
For me that was honor and glory
I am round and orange, that is not a lie
I’m a material for a delicious pie!
I live in a pot, and I like to hunt
Everyone knows, I’m a plant
I like insects very much
They are my snack and my lunch!
(Carnivorous plant)
I am flower, I smell so pleasant
I can also be a nice present
I like meadows, like any flower
This is my nice and big tower!
I’m a crocodile, my dress is green
Actually, that is my skin
Deep waters shelter provide
This is the place where I like to hide!
Every morning, when I awake
I float around my lovely lake
Then I swim around and have some fun
I’m the king of the lake, I’m a swan!